Portfutures Africa is a multi-modal project development specialist company, aspiring to be a leading player in the logistics sector while making substantial contributions to education and community development initiatives.
Primary services include:
Delivery of business plans for rail port regeneration
Complete marketing strategies for regional logistics hubs
Execution of infrastructure projects aimed at increasing capacity, promoting regeneration, achieving decarbonisation and enhancing security
Providing expertise in the analysis of port and railway systems
Management of inland container terminals and ports​
The 5 Step Process

​We offer comprehensive management of project delivery processes - from conception to completion. This includes project management, procurement, cost control, time and information management, risk management, business development studies, and feasibility studies.
Our services encompass human capital development in the Western Cape, the completion of regional diagnostic studies for railway and port systems, and the establishment of intermodal logistics parks.
We support the GO GEORGE Integrated Public Transport Network, the Provincial Sustainable Training Programme, the City of Cape Town Contract Management Maturity Improvement Programme, and the Cape Town Water and Sanitation for Informal Settlements Programme.